Coronavirus pandemic in the US – CNN International

World Economy
Montana Governor Steve Bullock speaks in Altoona, Iowa on October 13, 2019
Montana Governor Steve Bullock speaks in Altoona, Iowa on October 13, 2019 Scott Olson/Getty Images

Montana’s stay-at-home order will be lifted Sunday, as part of a gradual and phased reopening of the state, Gov. Steve Bullock tweeted today.

His phase one measures outlined in a statement include giving local school districts the option to return to in-classroom learning beginning May 7.

Places of worship can become operational on April 26 in a manner consistent with social distancing between people who are not members of the same household.

Main street and retail businesses can become operational on or after April 27 if they can adhere to requirements to limit capacity and maintain strict physical distancing. Employers are directed to develop policies to keep employees and customers safe including teleworking when possible, enforcing social distancing protocols, and other measures.

Restaurants, bars, breweries, and distilleries can begin providing some in-establishment services beginning May 4.

Businesses where groups gather without the ability to social distance including movie theaters, gyms, and other places of assembly will remain closed.

Montana’s travel quarantine will remain in effect.

“Our new normal is going to look different. This virus isn’t gone from Montana. So as we turn to support our main street businesses and get more families back to work during this time – as we should – we must also be sure to continue looking out for those around us and protecting everyone around us,” Bullock said. 

“Once we begin to reopen, we want to be able to stay open. Our personal responsibility to protect those around us – particularly those most vulnerable – remains just as important as any time during this pandemic.”