Commentary: For health of residents and economy, states must change course – San Antonio Express-News

World Economy

Opinion // Commentary

By Janet Walkow, For the Express-News

On June 21, the World Health Organization reported the highest single-day increase in coronavirus cases. While the U.S. only comprises about 4 percent of the world’s population, it accounts for 20 percent of global cases. In the past week, many states reported record coronavirus spikes as the total number of U.S. cases exceeded 2.3 million, and the death toll surpassed 122,000.

After weeks of imposing sweeping measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, many states considered what their next steps should entail, and residents relied on state leaders to devise plans for restarting the economy and cultivating healthy communities. Some began reopening businesses and relaxing restrictions to rejuvenate ailing economies, while others continued enforcing measures to continue flattening the curve and achieve a healthy population.

The results are in, and one thing is clear: The states that reopened and relaxed restrictions are experiencing unprecedented surges in new daily cases of COVID-19. In Austin, the daily peak hit 86 in May. Cases began increasing in June, topping 220 on June 17 and surpassing 500 new cases on June 21.

The scientific method uses experimentation to explore observations and hypotheses for answering questions. Has reopening businesses improved the economy and supported the community’s health?

While the stock market has slowly made gains over the past two months, it has dipped again the past two weeks.

The dramatic rise in new cases and deaths across the nation is continuing. Former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy points out that COVID-19 may cause a social recession, with profound consequences for health, productivity and children’s education.

Let’s face it. This experiment has failed. The surging numbers of coronavirus cases are straining the medical system. Citizens are at the mercy of public officials to mandate and enforce measures that will keep them safe.

It is possible to achieve a healthy population that will, in turn, drive the economy. New Zealand’s decisive and early action has essentially eliminated the virus, resulting in only 22 deaths. Texas alone has amassed over 130,000 cases and 2,300 deaths.

Keeping people healthy will allow states to open and reboot the economy. State leaders should put politics aside and sound policies in place that help the greater good.

We can take the lessons learned from the resolute action taken by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who enforced strict measures to stop the spread of the virus, including self-isolation for anyone entering the country, shutting down nonessential businesses, canceling gatherings, and closing schools. New Zealand’s initial response to the pandemic was among the strictest lockdown measures in the world. The approach paid off. Once the spread of the virus slowed, the country implemented a careful and measured reopening. Restrictions were slowly lifted.

With their reopenings happening before the curves flattened, no one should be surprised about the spikes that Texas and other states are experiencing. It’s not too late to correct the course. Our elected leaders need to put a more effective plan in place, one that either mandates stricter health guidelines statewide or gives local leaders the authority to determine what’s best for their community.

We are at a critical crossroad, and leaders have the opportunity to help their states recover at the economic and individual level. Swift action has never been more critical. It will be painful to take a few steps back, for sure, but it is the only way to beat this.

Slowing the virus requires sustained effort, planning and leadership. State leaders, we need you to step up.

Janet Walkow is a clinical professor of pharmaceutics at the University of Texas at Austin, and is the executive director and chief technology officer of the Drug Dynamics Institute, co-founder of The Leading Women Project, and a Public Voices Fellow of The OpEd Project.