4.8 Million Jobs Added in June, but Clouds Grow Over Economy – The New York Times

World Economy

Some 4.8 million positions were added last month, but renewed shutdowns could accelerate the continuing layoffs.

Jobs have recovered somewhat, but are still far below pre-pandemic levels

Cumulative change in jobs since June 2016

By Ella Koeze·Data is seasonally adjusted.·Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Employers brought back millions more workers in June as businesses began to reopen across the country. But the recent surge in coronavirus cases is threatening to stall the economic recovery long before it has reached most of the people who lost their jobs.

U.S. payrolls grew by 4.8 million in June, the Labor Department said Thursday. It was the second month of strong gains after April’s huge losses, when businesses laid off or furloughed tens of millions of workers as the pandemic put a large swath of economic activity on ice.

The job growth surpassed economists’ forecasts, and it was broad based, cutting across industries and demographic groups.

But the thaw is far from complete. There were still nearly 15 million fewer jobs in June than in February, before the pandemic forced businesses to close. The unemployment rate fell to 11.1 percent in June, down from a peak of 14.7 percent in April but still higher than in any previous period since World War II. The rate would have been about one percentage point higher, the Labor Department said, had it not been for persistent data-collection problems.

Unemployment rate since 1948

By Ella Koeze·Unemployment rates are seasonally adjusted. The government began collecting standardized unemployment statistics in 1948.·Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

In an appearance at the White House on Thursday morning, President Trump hailed the numbers as “spectacular news for American workers and American families and for our country as a whole.”

The monthly jobs data was collected in mid-June, before coronavirus cases began to spike in Arizona, Florida and several other states. More timely data, also released by the Labor Department on Thursday morning, showed that 1.4 million Americans filed new claims for state unemployment benefits last week — the 15th straight week that the figure exceeded one million — and 840,000 others filed for benefits under the federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program.

With the resurgence of the virus adding new volatility to the outlook, economists fear that layoffs could accelerate now that states have begun ordering some businesses to close again. And they warn of another looming threat: the expiration of government assistance, in particular the enhanced unemployment benefits providing an extra $600 per week to laid-off workers. Without congressional action, those benefits will cease at the end of this month, potentially eliminating a key source of support not just for the workers but for the broader economy as well.

The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday that it expected the economy to grow rapidly in the next six months but still wind up nearly 6 percent smaller than it was when the year began.

“We’re in a very deep hole, and we just set ourselves back again,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at the accounting firm Grant Thornton. “It’s difficult to climb out of that hole.”

By Ella Koeze·Pandemic Unemployment Assistance extends eligibility to some workers who would not otherwise be able to apply for unemployment benefits, such as part-time and self-employed workers. Regular claims are seasonally adjusted but P.U.A. claims are not.·Source: Labor Department

The H.Wood Group, which operates a dozen bars, restaurants and nightclubs in the Los Angeles area, had just begun to dig out of that hole when the latest round of shutdown orders hit. The company spent weeks figuring out how to operate safely, installing plexiglass dividers between banquettes, eliminating reusable menus and adopting policies like temperature checks at the door and mandatory masks.

In June, that work appeared ready to pay off: Two of the company’s restaurants reopened, and three bars were set to reopen this week. Customers, eager to eat out after weeks of lockdown, snapped up reservations.