U.S. Senate Dem candidate Debrine says ‘people are the real value’ behind American currency – Oil City News

Currency News

James Kirk Debrine (Wyoming PBS, Youtube)

CASPER, Wyo— “[During the coronavirus pandemic] is not the time to stop needed funds to keep our government servicing the people,” said Evansville resident James Kirk Debrine  in an email to Oil City News. Debrine is running for the Democratic nomination to Mike Enzi’s retiring U.S. Senate seat in the primary election Tuesday, August 18.

Debrine said investment in civil services should trump budget cuts.

“2020 is not the time to worry about money, which on the federal level is just data, same as BitCoin. [It] has value based on nothing, unlike America’s workers and resources, infrastructure and intellect.”

Debrine said, “The “American people is what gives value to our currency.” 

Debrine is a proponent of Medicare-for-all, saying that the existing framework would prevent price gouging and allow people to access specialty care across state lines.

Debrine told Oil City the education system needed a stronger focus on technical & trade schooling. He said jobs lost to automation, boom-and-bust-cycles, and cheap overseas labor were not likely to come back.

Debrine said he understood how to work in a bipartisan fashion and reconcile many perspectives having lived in New York, Hawaii, and California before moving to Kaycee 15 years ago. Debrine is retired a U.S. Postal worker for and currently lives in Evansville, Wyoming.