Currency rates today, Tuesday, 6-10-2020 against the Egyptian pound – AlKhaleej Today

Currency News

Currency rates varied today, Tuesday, 6-10-2020, against the Egyptian pound, compared to the conclusion of yesterday’s transactions, according to the latest updates of a number of different banks, foremost of which is the National Bank of Egypt. We publish currency rates against the Egyptian pound today, which came as follows:

Dollar price today

The price of the dollar stabilized today against the Egyptian pound, according to the latest updates of the National Bank of Egypt, at 15.69 pounds for purchase and 15.79 pounds for sale.

The price of the European euro today

The exchange rate of the euro rose against the Egyptian pound today, according to the latest updates of the National Bank of Egypt, and reached 18.48 pounds for purchase, 18.62 pounds for sale, compared to 18.36 pounds for purchase, 18.52 pounds for sale


The price of the British pound today

The exchange rate of the pound sterling against the Egyptian pound increased, according to the latest updates of the National Bank of Egypt, and reached 20.35 pounds for purchase, 20.52 pounds for sale, compared to 20.24 pounds for purchase, 20.45 pounds for sale.

The price of the Saudi riyal today

The exchange rate of the Saudi riyal has stabilized against the Egyptian pound, according to the latest data of the National Bank of Egypt, and it is fixed at the price of the riyal 4.10 pounds for purchase, and 4.20 pounds for sale.

The Kuwaiti dinar price today

The exchange rate of the Kuwaiti dinar against the pound varied, according to the latest data of the National Bank of Egypt, and reached 48.85 pounds for purchase, 51.61 pounds for sale, compared to 48.85 pounds for purchase, and 51.58 pounds for sale.


And it was decided to suspend work in all banks operating in Egypt, next Thursday, October 8, 2020, on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day, October 6, instead of Tuesday, October 6, 2020, and Egyptian banks are scheduled to resume work on Sunday, October 11, 2020.

Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, issued a decree that next Thursday, corresponding to the eighth of October 2020, will be an official paid vacation in ministries, government departments, public bodies, local administration units, public sector companies, the public business sector, and the sector The private; On the occasion of the Armed Forces Day (October 6), instead of Tuesday, corresponding to the sixth of October 2020.

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