Three seriously wounded from explosive device in West Bank – The Jerusalem Post

Banking News
IDF roadblocks placed as forces scan the area to find the Ein Bubin terrorist

IDF roadblocks placed as forces scan the area to find the Ein Bubin terrorist. (photo credit: ADIEL STERN/TPS)

A father and his two adult children were seriously injured on Friday after a grenade was thrown at them from a car near the spring of Ein Bubin near the Israeli settlement of Dolev in the West Bank in what the military is calling a serious terror attack.

Magen David Adom rescue services said that a 46 year-old and a 19 year-old man were seriously injured and an 18 year-old woman was critically injured. The two men were evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem for medical treatment by helicopter while the woman was treated on the spot.

IDF Spokesperson Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis called the attack “a serious terror attack” and said that the military is still not sure if the grenade was thrown at the family or if the device had been planted in the stream and set off.

MDA paramedic Shlomo Pearl was quoted as saying that the scene was “horrifying” and that the 46 year old man was fully conscious and suffered wounds to his upper body, the 19 year old suffered injuries to his torso and the woman had multi system trauma.

“We administered initial medical checks and provided  them with life saving treatment which included stopping bleeding and medications. We evacuated the 46 year old and the 19 year old man via the MICU and evacuated them to a military helicopter that landed close by, which took them to the hospital. The teenager is being treated at the scene by our paramedics and IDF medical forces,” Pearl said.

Large number of security forces were deployed to the area as reinforcements and blockades placed in the area as troops searched for the terrorist who is believed to have fled the scene in a white car. Blockades have also been placed throughout the area

According to Manelis, the reinforcement of troops were also deployed in a defensive maneuver to prevent any additional attacks.

Following the attack residents of Dolev were asked to remain in their homes.

This is a developing story.

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